
The purpose with this website is mainly to list and show my collection

of the records I have, released with/by Lisa Miskovsky.

I've got permission from Lisa Miskovsky and Petra Åkesson (Sony) to publish

the pictures of my records on this website.

If there for some reason are copyright issues anyroad,

then please let me know...

Availability codes (seen at the detailed level for all records on this site).

These code rates are used to highlight how easy or hard it is to find a partiqular record.

1: Still in commercial storesAs it sounds. Go to the store!
2: Easy to findNot in the stores anymore but easy to find anyway.
3: Hard to findOften seen on CD trade markets and online sites for used CDs.
4: Very hard to findSeen from time to time on markets and sites.
5: Extremely hard to findNot seen very often on markets and sites, twice a year.
6: Super rareSeldom seen on markets and sites, once a year or even longer.
7: One of a kindA CD that is the only copy, or very few exists.


No information about you as an user is saved on this website.

The site is made for looking good on a iPad.

Works fine on a PC too, if you still are using one of those...